Wednesday, January 17, 2018


The first time I heard the word “intentionality,” I thought Dave Ramsey had made it up. But, my Miriam-Webster smart phone app has it, and since they decide what words are real and don’t list those that aren’t, “intentionality” must be legit. The powers that be in the English language define it as “done in a way that is planned or intended.”

Dave taught me something else, “A goal that isn’t written down is just a wish.” Intentionality. Randy Pausch must have learned this early in his lifetime. When he was a kid, he listed a bunch of things he wanted to do. And, before he passed away, he DID them! I suppose he wrote them down. Intentionality.

The exercises that we completed this week in our Introduction to Entrepreneurship class are all about setting goals and writing them down. We cannot forget the “writing down” part! We acknowledge who we are now, we look at where we want to be, and, keeping in mind our values, map out a way to get there. Intentionality.

Another class exercise had us create a list of 50 things we want to do before we “check out” of this life. Doing that caused me to dream a little. I then thought of Dave again.

Dave suggests that we use dreaming as a reason to set (and write down) goals (they gotta be written down!). Dreaming gives us a reason to do what it takes to achieve those goals. We will not reach any goals (even if they are written down) if we do not act. Dreaming is a HUGE part of goal-setting.

I had a dream when I was younger. This dream wasn’t from childhood; it was more from my young adulthood, but it was a dream, just the same. I wanted to play volleyball in college and maybe in the Olympics. I was really good, but I didn't realize it then. I know that now, but it is too late. I will not achieve that goal because, quite frankly, I am too old. But, I am okay with that. I have moved on to other goals that I can achieve, even at my age.

So, in my homework this week, I have let myself dream about some things I want to do before I “cross the River Jordan.” I have written down some goals. I am moving forward with intentionality.

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