Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Learn, Rinse, Repeat

I once heard a story about a woman who attended a concert given by an expert pianist. Afterward, the woman commended the performer and told him, “I would give my entire life to be able to play like you do,” to which he replied, “Ma’am, I have.”

Anything worth learning takes time. Learning it well, well, that takes even more time.  That is my biggest takeaway this week. Building a web business takes time. Learning the many aspects of running a business takes time. Becoming good at SEO and social networking and marketing takes time. Tweaking a website to take advantage of potential earnings takes time. Even learning through trial and error—you guessed it—takes time.

Time is also a precious commodity. And, it’s something I feel I haven’t had nearly enough of in the last 12 weeks.

But, a lack of time is not a good reason to give up, not on something that you really want to learn in order to become successful. Sometimes, we need to restructure our time. Sometimes, we just need to wait until the right time. And many times, we have to do things multiple times.

Here I go again.

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